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The Encounter

In April 2015 I had an encounter with Jesus Christ. I went to the bar in downtown Orlando, Florida but felt different that night and left early.  When I arrived at my apartment in Winter Park, FL I parked the car and started to think about my life. Therefore, I began to realize that I am not happy with my life and started to cry. Suddenly, I heard a powerful voice say “Rodrick give me 100%.” Immediately, I knew it was Jesus Christ the Son of God and when I agreed to His words I became Born Again. 


The love of Christ filled my car and when I walked out of my car I was a new creature in Christ.  Jesus Christ rescued me from that dark place in my life and I am thankful, grateful, and honored to be called a Child of God. Now I am on a passionate pursuit for the lost in the nations of the Earth before Jesus returns. To tell them it is a way out of your circumstances and you do not have to go to Hell.  Jesus died over 2,000 years ago for your sins and rose again on the third day so you can be with Him in Heaven one day.

When did you receive the call into Full-Time Ministry? 


In 2016, My Lord Jesus Christ called me into the full-time ministry through a dream. Shortly after, while attending a Christian band concert named Jesus Culture a person told me about The River University after the concert had ended. I prayed about the opportunity and Jesus told me to go to Bible school at The River University in Tampa, Florida. A place founded by Drs. Rodney and Adonica Howard Browne the vision is to train up revivalists for the 21st century. Therefore, in December 2016, I quit my corporate job in Orlando, Florida, and packed my apartment things into a U-Haul and moved to Tampa, Florida.


When did you know you were called to become a Missionary to the Nations? 


In January 2017, my first month as a River University student I received the calling to become a Missionary. While attending Dr. Rodney Howard Browne Winter Camp Meeting he was on stage talking about Missions with Overland Missions CEO Phillip Smitherest. As I was listening to their discussion I heard the Holy Ghost speak to my spirit to become a Missionary and to join Overland Missions. 

Why Zanzibar, Tanzania?

In 2019, I was living in Zambia, Africa for 3 months doing the Advance Missions Training with Overland Missions.  During my time there I had a meeting with leadership and one of the countries that were given to me, as an option was Zanzibar, Tanzania.  I had three more considerations along with Zanzibar; therefore I went to God in prayer one night.  So, I did ask my Heavenly Father and said, “Lord what do you want me to do?” I went to sleep and I had a dream I was walking on the beach in Zanzibar and saw people wearing the African clothing in Zanzibar. Then I went into a boat and sailed off into the ocean.  When I woke up from that dream I knew The Lord had called me to be in the full-time ministry in Zanzibar.  


The vision is co-labor with Overland Missions as a Missionary in Zanzibar, Tanzania.  Zanzibar is 60 miles off the coast of Tanzania, Africa and I am helping the team through reaching neglected tribes, languages, and people with evangelism, discipleship, and humanitarian services. Until the gospel has its full effect leaving on fire Christians throughout the island as leaders for the next generations. 

    My Ministry in Zanzibar: 


                                                                           Preaching in Churches 

                                                                                Prison Ministry 


                                                                 Teaching in our training school 

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Thank you in advance! 

 Souls Saved:

Goal: 100,000 souls

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