1. Never Make Quick Decisions
"To make rash, hasty decisions shows that you are not trusting the Lord. But when you rely totally on God, you will still act carefully and prudently" - Proverbs 28:25 (TPT)
2. Always give to the poor and you will never lack
"You will never go without if you give to the poor. But if you’re heartless, stingy, and selfish, you invite curses upon yourself" - Proverbs 28:27 (TPT)
3. Lean on God
"Self-confident know-it-alls will prove to be fools. But when you lean on the wisdom from above, you will have a way to escape the troubles of your own making" - Proverbs 28:26 (TPT)
4. Be Honest and Faithful
" Life’s blessings drench the honest and faithful person, but punishment rains down upon the greedy and dishonest" - Proverbs 28:20 (TPT)
5. Work Hard
"Work hard and you’ll have all you desire, but chase a fantasy and you could end up with nothing"
6. Live a Pure Life
"The pure will be rescued from failure, but the perverse will suddenly fall into ruin" - Proverbs 29:18 (TPT)
7. Do not cover any sins , but confess them to God
:"If you cover up your sin you’ll never do well. But if you confess your sins and forsake them, you will be kissed by mercy" - Proverbs 28:13 (TPT)
Have a Blessed Day!
If you have read this devotional and you are not saved or have areas in your life that you know if Jesus would return today. Then you will not be going to Heaven. Remember Jesus loves you and want you to spend eternity with Him in Heaven. Time is running out , therefore Do not put off repenting one more day. Repeat this Prayer:
Dear Jesus, I repent and surrender 100% of my life to you. Come into my heart. Forgive me of my sins. I believe you have died for me. I believe you are risen from the dead. I believe you are coming back for me. From this day forward I live my life for you and you only. I am Saved. I am Born Again. I am Forgiven and I am on my way to Heaven because I have Jesus in my heart. Amen.
If you repeated that prayer I want to tell you as a minister of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Your Sins are Forgiven!!!! Welcome to The Family and Send me a Message. Love you!